Martial Arts
martial arts & MMA classes in Amersham
Focus Fitness provide kids Martial Arts Classes in Amersham; including Boxing and Taekwondo Classes. Allowing students to be better trained in self-defence whilst providing an enjoyable method of exercise.
Using the timetable below, you can see the various Martial Arts and MMA classes in Amersham that we provide.
Class schedule
Class Timetable
— Location: Amersham
Dragons (4–8 years old) 4pm–4:45pm
Juniors (8–13 years old) 5pm–6pm
— Location: Amersham
Dragons (4–8 years old) 4pm–4:45pm
Juniors (8–13 years old) 5pm–6pm
— Location: Amersham
Dragons (4–8 years old) 11am–11:45pm
Juniors (8–13 years old) 12pm–1pm
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